Post 2G: Advertising Techniques


This week we began looking at both the Clio Awards for advertising, as well as some Super Bowl ads.  Advertisers utilize specific techniques in their ads like endorsements, bandwagon advertising, emotional appeal, humour, testimonial, and experts.  These are just a few of the techniques used – there are many more!  Which do you think is the most effective in promoting a product or service?  Why do you find it effective?  Be sure to give an example of an advertisement that uses your ‘most effective’ technique.  Provide a link to the ad or youtube link for the commercial.

23 thoughts on “Post 2G: Advertising Techniques

  1. I believe that celebrity endorsement is the best way to go advertising wise. Even better is the product belonging to the celebrity, giving the consumer incentive trying to be like their favorite celebrities. A couple of good examples are: Kylie’s Lip Kit and Kanye West’s Yeezy clothing and sneaker line.


  2. I personally think humour is the most effective when marketing in a Super Bowl advertisement because the funny ads are the ones people remember and share with other people. The people won’t necessarily be sharing it to help the company but to show the humour in it but little do they know they are helping that company.


  3. In my opinion, in order to make your advertisement more popular have two ways. Number one is to make a very emotional advertisement that will almost attract all the people around the world. Number two is a more easy and direct way to make your advertisement popular is to having some celebrity in your advertisement, and will earn review faster and easier.


  4. I believe the most effective and powerful technique in promoting a product or some sort of service would be by using celebrity endorsements. They are important as celebrities are so well known that they catch the eye of a consumer being that they can relate to the advertisement or promotion. An example of this would be famous soccer players starring in football boot commercials or sports gear. This would catch the attention of a sports player and make them more likely to purchase the specific product.


  5. I think having a well known celebrity in an ad has the biggest impact. When a person with so much influence over people gets showcased in an ad, they provide the people with a sense of connectivity with the ad, and they will instantly pay more attention to the ad. When a company uses a celebrity with a good image, the company’s image will also improve. A great example of an ad like this would be this Sprite ad.


  6. I think the best way to sell most products is to gain a celebrity endorsement. Fans who see this ad will be much more likely to purchase the products because they want to be like this person they look up to. Many fans will do anything they can to become more like them thinking that if someone like Drake does this or uses this I should use it to. For my example I used the Apple Music Drake ad.


  7. i think using celebrities to sell a product is a good technique because people may think that if someone famous is using the product then they might like it as well. It also may make people think the product is of a higher quality because a celebrity is willing to endorse and use the it as well.


  8. I think endorsements are the most effective way to sell a product. This is because many people who admire celebrities want to be just like them in every single way. Also the immediate thought one would get if Guy Fieri were to endorse a hotsauce would be “Wow, that sauce must be packed with flavour!”. Of course this is an exaggeration but often times it is how these endorsement type of ads work. My favorite example of this would be.


  9. The best marketing technique that i notice in advertisements is when they combine the use of humor with the star power if celebrity endorsements to attract as much attention to the product of service as possible. These advertisements are often featured an TV, print media, and social media in order to fully spread the awareness for the featured product. the use of endorsements are great for products that target specific demographics that suit the celebrity. An example is the Eli and Peyton manning commercials that the NFL like to use each season for direcTV.


  10. I think the most important technique when marketing a product or service is the use of celebrity endorsements. This technique is affective because of the there popularity. When people see celebrity’s on adds, most people think that if they use that product then so should I. As well as that not only will people watch the add but they will pay greater attention because a celeb or sports star is endorsing.


  11. I believe that testimonials can be highly effective when attempting to sell a product. This is especially true in the case of celebrity endorsement in terms of their experience with a product. The general public tends to admire celebrities and strive to live similarly to them. For example, proactive uses celebrities to relate to people in their experience with acne, and provide an effective solution.


  12. I think the most effective technique to promote a product is celebrity endorsement. It is effective because the celebrity immediately gets the viewers’ attention, besides it is also useful because the user will feel closer to the celebrity buying and later consuming that product. Also, if a celebrity advertises a product, automatically people will think that’s a quality product. An example could be George Clooney in the Nespresso commercial.


  13. In my opinion, an advertisement is effective when it connects with the viewrs’ emotions and make them think further after the ad. I was often touched by those inspirational commercials and they leave me with very good impressions of the businesses. An recent example would be the Airbnb commercial in the super bowl, where they talked about accepting different races and religions. This leaves people to think and Airbnb had forever made an impression in my mind. Another example woudl be the westjet commercial for the Fort Mcmurray Fire. They made a short video about setting up rescue camps and helping people from the disaster. It also made me think and westjet had defintiely made a good impression on me and millions of other Canadians.



  14. I think the most effective ad are those that use a popular celebrity, because the product take advantage to the celebrity and use them because the fans or people which follow them will buy the product , and the viewers would talk about it because the commercial have someone that everybody knows.
    My favorites are the old nike ones which had the best players in that time and tried to use a humour there


  15. Using humour in advertisements is the most effective technique in my opinion, because it hooks the audience and entertains people and increases their interest in the product that is being advertised. A funny advertisement is memorable and it will stay on people’s minds.


  16. I think wether techniques used by advertisers prove to be effective or not, highly depends on what they’re trying to portray, therefore, if the technique used doesn’t allign with the product that’s being sold and the interests of the demographic it is being targeted to, the ad will fail to appeal to the potential buyers. In conclusion, the most effective technique advertisers utilize will be the one that best fits with their product.
    For example, IKEA aired a really well-made commercial that advertises their kitchen equipment, it utilizes humour as the main technique to appeal to the buyers.


  17. I think being informative in a commercial is the most important because that way consumers know what they are buying When I buy products I want to know everything about it. A ad that uses this technique is iphones because it lists the specs and tells you what you are buying.


  18. I believe the most effective ads in general are ones that use humour. I think these are the most effective because they attract the audience and make them interested in your product. On the other hand, I think the most effective ads during the super bowl are ones that use endorsements. These ads stand out because viewers from all around the world are intrigued when they see one of their favourite celebrities in an ad. One ad that used celebrity endorsements this super bowl was Buick. They hired Cam Newton (quarterback for the Carolina Panthers) and Miranda Kerr (supermodel) to sell their cars.


  19. I believe the most powerful and effective technique in promoting a product or service is with celebrity endorsements and humour. Celebrity endorsements are very important because it gets the viewers attention immediately because they can recognize these well known celebrities. Humour is also very important because it makes the viewer remember the ad and they will want to see the ad again. An example of a commercial that uses both celebrity endorsement and humour is the 2017 Kia Niro ad which stars Melissa McCarthy.


  20. i feel that having someone who is very well known can impact the ad on its popularity, this works because the audience will believe that the product or company is a lot more successful putting it in a higher view of wealth, leaving people buy more into there product/company. a specific advertisement for this example of technique is an app called “model strike” who had Arnold Schwarzenegger. this caused the app to sky rocket in download and has been floating around on the top 10 boards ever since.


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